Resources for GLBTQQ Youth and their Allies

Suggested Reading

Recommended by RYA:
· Free Your Mind: The Book for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth and their Allies by Ellen Bass and Kate Kaufman
· Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology ed. by Bennett Singer
· Is It a Choice? Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gays and Lesbians by Eric Marcus
· Go the Way Your Blood Beats
· Hearing Us Out: Voices from the Gay and Lesbian Community
· Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence ed. by Marion Dane Bauer
· Out for Good

Recommended by PFLAG:
· Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence, Marion Dane Bauer, editor. Harper Collins, 1994.
· Annie On My Mind, Nancy Garden. Harper Collins, 1992
· Becoming Visible: A reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students, Kevin Jennings, editor. Alyson Publications, 1994.
· Being Different: Lambda Youths Speak Out, Larry D. Brimmer. Grolier, 1995.
· Children of Horizons: How Gay and Lesbian Teens are Leading a New Way Out, Gilbert Herdt and Andrew Boxer. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Free Your Mind: The Book for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth and Their Allies, Ellen Bass and Kate Kaufman. Harper Perennial, 1996.
· Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology, Bennett L. Singer, editor. The New Press, 1993.
· Joining the Tribe: Growing Up Gay & Lesbian in the '90's, Linnea Due. Anchor Books, 1995.
· The Journey Out: A Book for & About Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Teens, Rachel Pollack and Cheryl Schwartz. Puffin Books, 1995.
· Two Teenagers in Twenty, Ann Heron, editor. Alyson Publications, 1994.
· Understanding Sexual Identity: A Book for Gay and Lesbian Teens, Janice Rench. Lerner, 1990.
· When Someone You Know is Gay, Susan and Daniel Cohen. Dell, 1989.
· Young, Gay & Proud!, Don A. Romesburg, editor. Alyson Publications, 1995.

Book List for Gay and Questioning Teens, Their Families and Friends
(The following list was compiled and annotated by Stefan Freed for PFLAG/Columbia-Howard County and Howard County Public Schools. Many these titles are available in the Howard County Library.)

FICTION for ages 12 & up

· Bauer, Marian. ed. Am I Blue?: Coming Out From the Silence. 1994. (A collection of short stories about homosexuality by such authors as Bruce Coville, M.E. Kerr, William Sleator, and Jane Yolen.)
· Bess, Clayton. The Mayday Rampage. 1993. (The AIDS crisis plays a pivotal role in the lives of high-schooler Molly and her boyfriend Jess.)
· Durant, Penny R. When Heroes Die. 1992. (Devastated that his uncle hero, Rob, is dying of AIDS, twelve-year-old Gary, in need of advice and guidance in his life, draws strength from Rob himself.)
· Heron, Ann and Meredith Maran. How Would You Feel if Your Dad Was Gay? (For younger readers. Elementary school students Jasmine, Michael, and Noah all have gay parents, which sometimes makes them feel different and alone - until they find they can talk to each other. An excellent source to demonstrate the diversity of families.)
· Kerr, M.E. Deliver Us From Evie. (Sixteen-year-old Parr Burrman and his family face some difficult times when word spreads through their rural Missouri town that his older sister is a lesbian, and she leaves the family farm to live with the daughter of the town's banker.)
· Muse, Daphne. ed. Prejudice: Stories About Hate, Ignorance, Revelation, and Transformation. (An anthology of short stories featuring young people of different backgrounds who experience prejudice.)
· Sweeney, Joyce. Face the Dragon. (After skipping the ninth grade and entering high school in an accelerated program for gifted students, fourteen-year-old Eric and his best friend Paul seem to undergo a dynamic change in their relationship.)
· Walker, Kate. Peter. 1993. (An ordinary fifteen-year-old Australian kid, who enjoys riding his dirt bike and wants to be a photographer, becomes confused about his sexuality when he finds he is attracted to a gay friend of his older brother.)

FICTION for high school students

· Block, Francesca Lia. Baby Be-Bop. 1995. (Dirk MacDonald, a sixteen-year-old boy living in Los Angeles, comes to terms with being gay after he receives surreal storytelling visitations from his dead father and great-grandmother.)
· Cart, Michael. My Father's Scar. 1996. (As he enters into his first relationships as a gay man, a college freshman recalls the aching loneliness of life with his alcoholic physically abusive father, in a community prejudiced against homosexuals.)
· Childress, Alice. Those Other People. 1989. (Bigotry surfaces at Minitown High when a popular male teacher sexually assaults a delinquent fifteen-year-old girl and the only witnesses are a black boy and a gay student teacher.)
· Kijk, Lutz Van. Damned Strong Love: The True Story of Willi D. Stephan K.: A Novel. translated 1995; orig. 1991. (Based on a true story, Polish teenager Stefan professes his love to Willi, thereby endangering both their lives, as the Nazis then arrest Stefan and he becomes one of the many prisoners of the Holocaust.)
· Homes, A.M. Jack. 1989. (Fifteen-year-old Jack's confused feelings for his father who left him and his mother four years earlier, are further complicated when he finds out his father is gay.)
· Kerr, M.E. "Hello," I Lied. 1997. (Summering in the Hamptons on the estate of a famous rock star, seventeen-year-old Lang tries to decide how to tell his longtime friends that he is gay, while struggling with an unexpected infatuation with a girl from France.)
· Kerr, M.E. Night Kites. 1986. (Seventeen-year-old Erick's comfortable and well-ordered life begins to fall apart when he is forced to keep two secrets: the identity of his new girlfriend and the nature of his brother's debilitating disease.)
· Springer, Nancy. Looking for Jamie Bridger. 1995. (Fourteen-year-old Jamie Bridger is determined to find out who her real parents were, in spite of opposition from the grandparents who raised her, but her search ends in a bittersweet discovery.)
· Wersba, Barbara. Whistle Me Home. 1997. (Seventeen-year-old Noli feels as if she has found her soul mate when handsome TJ moves to Sag Harbor, but even as their feelings deepen, individual secrets threaten their relationship.)

NONFICTION of general interest to teens

· Cohen, Susan and Daniel. When Someone You Know is Gay. 1992.
· Herdt, Gilbert H. Children of Horizons: How Gay and Lesbian Teens are Leading the New Way Out of the Closet. 1993
· Heron, Ann. ed. Two Teenagers in Twenty: Writings by Gay and Lesbian Youth. 1994.
· Marcus, Eric. Is It a Choice?: Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gays and Lesbians. 1993.
· Singer, Bennett L. ed. Growing Up Gay: A Literary Anthology. 1993.
· Sutton, Roger. Hearing Us Out: Voices From the Gay and Lesbian Community. 1994.

NONFICTION biographies and reminiscences

· Dew, Robb Forman. The Family Heart: A Memoir of When Our Son Came Out. 1994.
· Fricke, Aaron and Walter. Sudden Strangers: The Story of a Gay Son and His Father. 1991.
· Peck, Scott. All-American Boy: A Memoir. 1995. (Local writer's tale of a solitary, difficult childhood and his struggle to gain self-worth and inner peace, which he achieved by coming out, living honestly, and publicly challenging his Marine Officer father.)
· Shyer, Marlene Fanta & Christopher. Not Like Other Boys: Growing Up Gay: A Mother and Son Look Back. 1996.
· Steffan, Joseph. Honor Bound: A Gay American Fights for the Right to Serve His Country. 1992.

NONFICTION specialized topics

· Cart, Michael. From Romance to Realism: 50 Years of Growth and Change in Young Adult Literature. 1996. (Includes excellent section on the treatment of gays and lesbians in YA literature.)
· Hartman, Keith. Congregations in Conflict: The Battle Over Homosexuality. 1996.
· Messner, Michael A. Sex, Violence, and Power in Sports: Rethinking Masculinity. 1994.
· Preston, John. ed. Hometowns: Gay Men Write About Where They Belong. 1991.
· Preston, John. ed. A Member of the Family: Gay Men Write About Their Families. 1992.
· Ritter, Carol Ann & John Roth. eds. Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust. 1993. (pp.261+ - good section on the treatment of gays and lesbians by the Nazis.)
· Thompson, Mark. Gay Soul: Finding the Heart of Gay Spirit and Nature With Sixteen Writers, Healers, Teachers, and Visionaries. 1994
· Woog, Dan. School's Out: The Impact of Gay and Lesbian Issues on America's Schools. 1995.
· Young, Perry Deane. Lesbians and Gays and Sports. 1995.

NONFICTION of interest to parents

· Aarons, Leroy. Prayers for Bobby: A Mother's Coming to Terms With the Suicide of Her Gay Son. 1995.
· Bernstein, Robert A. Straight Parents, Gay Children. 1995.
· Blumenfeld, William. ed. Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price. 1992.
· Bullard, Sara. Teaching Tolerance: Raising Open-Minded Empathetic Children. 1996.
· Muller, Ann. Parent Matter: Parents' Relationships with Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons. 1987.
· Whitlock, Katherine. Bridges of Respect: Creating Support for Lesbian and Gay Youth. 1988.

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