Hip-Hop Condoms to Hit Stores
CNN.com (07.11.03)::Meriah Doty
A line of condoms will join the growing hip-hop market of
fashion lines and magazines in select drug stores in early 2004.
Dubbed "Jimmie Hatz," the condoms are held in graffiti-style
packages, and come in three selections - XL Great Dane (extra
large condom), Mixed Breed (contoured condom with dotted and
ribbed texture) and the Rottweiler (standard size condom). Harry
Terrell, CEO of Common Ground USA, the condom's manufacturer,
said the condom line is a "full blown effort on our part
to save
our community." Terrell says he was inspired to start the
grassroots campaign when he was coaching high school baseball
one of his students got infected with HIV. "I wanted to be
supportive of him as possible. I wanted to learn as much as I
could about HIV and AIDS." The company's aim has been to
the word in high schools and colleges about abstinence and
protection. "Jimmy hat" is a commonly used slang word
for condom.
Terrell says he wanted to make wearing condoms "cool or the
thing to do." "The problem is really miseducation or
lack of
education," Terrell says. "I wanted to save the subculture
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